Dr. Rhys Evans
– Associate professor
Dr. Rhys Evans is Associate Professor (Førsteamanuensis) at HGUt. He is a Human Geographer by training and has researched and worked in rural community development in Scotland since arriving in the UK in 1996.
He has been a Research Fellow at the Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research at the University of Aberdeen, and subsequently a Senior Research fellow at the Centre for Mountain Studies at Perth College. In 2005 he established Integrate Consulting, an independent consultancy specialising in multi-method social research, policy analysis, evaluation and training.
In addition to teaching online MSc modules for the University of Highlands and Islands, his research clients have included the Scottish Government, the Forestry Commission UK, the Carnegie UK Rural Commission, and the Welsh Assembly Government. He has worked for, and with rural communities in Scotland to encourage the development of social, cultural, environmental and economic activities which benefit them. His most recent research interests have been in the field of human-horse relations, in a project called Equine Landscapes. In this capacity he is co-founder of the Equine Research Network (EqRN) – an international network of social science researchers on matters equine.
At HGUt he will be focusing on rural development which integrates consumption of the rural environment, the historical and cultural legacy of rural places and people, and endogenous development which empowers rural residents in achieving the goals which they identify as important to them.
Contact details:
Tlf: 99 50 91 25
E-mail: [email protected]